Pirsig's Camera and Pen Donated, 2024


The photos above are of Maynard E. Pirsig's Rolleiflex 3.5F film camera and his Mont Blanc Meisterstuck fountain pen. Maynard is pictured with the items. He often had the latest versions of cameras, dark-room equipment, audio recorders, computers, cars, watches and pens. In 1946 he used the first SoundScriber dictaphone--a machine introduced in 1945--to record a series of classroom lectures onto ten vinyl records. During these lectures Pirsig and the students briefly discuss whether punch-card data processing could make basic legal procedures more economical (The 1946 SoundScriber recordings are linked in an entry below).

The University of Minnesota Law School Library archives has hundreds of photos taken by Maynard. The camera and pen now also have the distinction of being in the library's archives.  They were donated to the by Pirsig's grandson, David Lindberg, through, Ryan Greenwood, Curator of Rare Books and Special Collections at the school. Thanks to Wendy Pirsig for her help.